Course Description

Second Article Of Faith – Belief in Angels (Malaika)

Malaika or belief in the angels is another fundamental articles of faith in Islam. A Muslim should believe in the existence of Angels, although they may be unseen to us in this world.

Of the many beings created by God, the angels are of special importance. They have been invested by God with the supernatural power to keep order in the functioning of the universe. They do not, however, deviate in the slightest from the path of God, for all their actions are in complete obedience to His will. This is because they have not been invested with a free will by God Almighty.

Religious Instructor

Br. Aadam And Imam Dr. Ali

Br. Aadam and Imam Dr. Zahid Ali are helping people to understand Islam. By teaching the principal and the way of life in Islam.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Angels

    • Angels 1

    • Angel 2