Course Description

Everyday you are exposed to and bombarded by harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) which include extremely low frequency (ELF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cell towers, microwaves, high power tension lines, x-ray machines, cell phones, televisions, computers, Wi-Fi, fluorescent lights, and other electrical equipment.

Overtime, exposure to these harmful EMF frequencies may cause health problems and DNA damage at the cellular level.

This course will tell you about these All-Natural Protection from EMF Radiation.

PHD-Doctor of Computer Science, MBA-Business--CST-Computer

Dr. Ali

Certifications:Doctor of Science(in Computer Science from Bridge Water University , UK) PHD, Master of Commerce(in Business Management from Bridge Water University , UK) MBA, Diploma in Computer Scientist Technology from Algonquin College, Canada, MCP, Computer Technician with A+ Certification, CCNA, Microsoft Pre-Installer Specialist( 98, NT, Win 2000). United States License Test Administrator ( Vue and Sylvain Prometric ). Computer Experience since 1977 and Business Management . Plus many other International Recognition throughout the years.Background: Sales, Marketing, Training and have been involved in managing and owning many types of businesses; from a Gift Shop, Sub Post Office, Florist Shop, Alternative Healing Center, Business Consultant, Computer Consultant, Computer Retail Businesses and Computer Training Schools with International locations. Our Computer Training Schools provided training for the Canada Government Employment, Social Service, Ontario Disability and many Foreign Students . Received Top Recognition from International Computer Manufacturers for Awards of Excellence. Received awards, plaques and titles for Top Recruiter in many Network Marketing programs. Top Leader in many Network Marketing (MLM) companies. Motivational speaker, leader and mentor. Test Administrator – Monitoring exams.Accounting – Book Keeping, Inventory Control, Invoicing and System Design. Training in Computer Courses.Teacher and Mentor .Sales in Home Hardware.Computer Sales.Drapery designs and Sales.Natural Products, Home Furnishings and Kitchen Supplies.Foot Spa and Ion Detox Technician. Avazzia Scanner Technician to relieve pain.Sewing machine repair and servicing. Import and Export. MLM Leader. Business and Computer Consulting. ..

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to Energy Protection Devices

    • Disclaimer

    • Intro of all products Video

    • Intro of all products Video 1

  • 2


    • ​What is EMF?

  • 3


    • Energy Products

    • Energy Products 1

    • Energy Products 2

    • Energy Products 3

    • Energy Products 4

    • Energy Products 5

  • 4

    How does it work?

    • How Does it work pdf?

  • 5


    • What Do People Feel?

  • 6


    • Company testing

    • Studies

  • 7


    • What people are saying?

  • 8


    • Questions and Answers

  • 9


    • Conclusion to Energy Protection Devices